Aktviti Membaca!

Jumaat, 21 Jun 2013


Adib Zaini

ISBN: 9789670374345
Penerbit: Buku Fixi
Tarikh Terbit: Cetakan Pertama April 2013
Halaman: 318
Harga: RM19.90

~ Rasaku… ~

Ceritanya memang gila.
Penulisnya? Haruslah lagi gila hahaha ;P

Perasaan baca buku ni sama macam baca Pecah. Aku tak boleh expect apa-apa. Jalan cerita yang sangat tak cliche. Fast-paced, tau-tau je...eh! Dah habis. Plot yang dirancang cukup teliti di mana akan ada saja unsur saspens yang buat aku berfikir – is it real? Atau imaginasi aku semata?

Ceritanya bermula dengan pertemuan beberapa teman yang kenal di atas talian. Bertemu buat pertama kali dalam satu sesi menonton wayang bersama-sama. Dan kemudiannya? Kesemua mereka mulai didatangi mimpi-mimpi aneh. Satu per satu mulai mati secara mengejut. Kini masing-masing mula tak senang duduk, mahu merungkai punca sebenar apa yang terjadi.

Aku pernah cakap yang aku sangat tak suka dengan adegan mimpi. Tapi dalam cerita ni, mimpi itu senjata utama. Dan penulis begitu teliti dalam merencanakan mimpi Bandar Tanpa Cahaya itu. Cukup kemas buat aku untuk mengimaginasikannya. Penulis juga menyelitkan segala macam permainan online yang satu pun aku tak pernah main hahaha Jadi pada mereka yang gamer/geek dan sewaktu dengannya aku rasa ini memang untuk kamu-kamu. Ada War of Warcraft okay!

Ini novel pertama penulis yang aku baca. Bravo. Penipuan yang sangat menjadi. Tapi aku tak suka hujan meteor tu. Hailoh...kenapa rasa macam Hollywood sangat tetiba. Spoiled mood aku.

Oh! Kurang 1 bintang sebab aku tak suka pengakhirannya. Sama seperti buku-buku Fixi yang lain, mereka memang tak suka bagi ending yang cantik. Haihh.. *face palm*

Happy reading (^-<)

Let Love Find You

Let Love Find You
Johanna Lindsey

ISBN: 1451633289
Penerbit: Gallery Books
Tarikh Terbit: June 2012
Halaman: 384
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

Thought that I’m now addicted to Highlanders *wink*

But this book doesn’t wow me. Sadly, as I’ve seen all those 5 stars in GR, but to me, I had a hard time getting into the book. It was plain boring and I skimmed..A LOT.. *yawning*

This about Amanda in the mission to find the right man to marry. She has spent three Seasons looking the possible husband but failed. Devin or known as Cupid coz his matchmaking skills, help Amanda to find her desire match. As their daily encounters, Amanda then finds herself falling in love with Cupid himself.

I loved the idea; where’s the hero is not an aristocrat. He’s actually the main reason why I kept pushing myself to finish the book. Oh, yup! The stars were given to hero okay. But I disliked the heroin. I’m a bit annoyed with her very hot tempered and over sensitive..haihh. Felt that I’m quite stressful while reading this.

Happy reading (^-<)

Isnin, 17 Jun 2013

Highlander Most Wanted [The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2]

Highlander Most Wanted [The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345533240
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2013
Halaman: 352
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

I hate Maya Banks as she keeps amazing me with her writing, that made me stayed till late night just because wanna finished this. Huarghhh..and now I just can’t stop yawning! hikhikhik ;P

Bowen and Genevieve. Both of them were great. I loved Genevieve’s courage and honesty. Ian McHugh had kidnapped her and kept her as his personal toy. She had been tortured for a year, physically and mentally abused. But she managed to keep herself together, stood up and survived after went through all these.

Bowen had my full respect, definitely. He was able to see how lovely Genevieve behind that scar on her face. He didn’t judge or condemned her for the sins, but in contra, he respected and treated Genevieve as others lass being treated. When he had already fallen to Genevieve, he didn’t push her but he took his time in wooing and showing her that she actually can be loved. No doubt, Bowen is exactly who Genevieve needed.

I loved the part that Genevieve brings out her bows and arrows to kill Patrick McHugh. Just a sweet revenge, but I kept wondering why she never tried using those bows on Ian? *rolledeyes*

The ending was beautiful and I kept smiling as knowing that will be a junior-in-coming. Yay! I can't wait to read the next story. But... it’s expected to publish in 2014? OMG! What a looooong wait! *sighs*

Happy reading (^-<)

Never Seduce a Scot [The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #1]

Never Seduce a Scot [The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #1]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345533232
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2012
Halaman: 372
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

Felt that my heart was torn in two!!

Review later *wink*

Full review: 17/06/2013

Seems that I can’t get enough with this Highlander romance *face palm*

This was super amazing. A beautiful story about two feuding clans; Montgomery & Armstrong, who had been ordered by King to unwanted marriage arrangement, in hoping to avoid further bloodshed among them. Thus, Greame; the laird of Montgomery had no other choice but to obey the mandate and married to Eveline; daughter of Tavis Armstrong, chieftan of the Armstrong clan.

Eveline Armstrong. The lovely and beautiful lass. She was loved and protected by her parents and brothers as they thought that Eveline had be ‘touched’ and daft due to her accident. But what no one, not even her family knows that she actually cannot hear. I adored Eveline very much. When Montgomery clan despises her, she never gave up to win their heart. She did everything, with all her heart.

Graeme was not that typical alpha type of hero. He’s one of the most romantic and sweet heroes I have ever come across. I loved the way he stood up for Eveline. He treats her with such tenderness, as he knew how hard Eveline struggling to gain acceptance into his clan. My favourite part in this book:-

“You care for her,” Robina Armstrong said in a shocked tone.
Graeme whipped his head around to pierce the other woman with his gaze. The others had gathered in the doorway. Some had already spilled into the room, their expressions worried. He cared not who heard his next words.
“My lady, I don’t simply care for her. I love her. She is my entire life. Without her, I am nothing. I have nothing.”
Waa... melting! *wink*

Happy reading (^-<)

Jumaat, 14 Jun 2013

Never Love a Highlander [McCabe Trilogy #3]

Never Love a Highlander [McCabe Trilogy #3]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345519523
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2011
Halaman: 3257
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

Definitely this was the most beautiful and dramatic love story. But still, my first love goes to Ewan-Mairin *wink*

Caelen McCabe. The cold Caelen. Even though Mairin and Keeley had already defrosting the younger brother, he still frigid with other women except within his family. I kept wonder why and this series explained everything-inside-out.

In the second trilogy, we already knew that Caelen steps up to wed Rionna McDonald. Even though he actually has no intention of ever getting married, but to fulfill the kings demand he tends to sacrifice.

Caelen has vowed that never to love again, and thus he shows his coldness towards her wife. But when his feelings grew, he became sweet and gentle he can be. Big applause to all heroines coz they able to keep their men on their toes. Yay!

Rionna was an interesting character to read about. The bravest and fierce heroine among others and thus made her fit perfectly to Caelen. They kept yelling at each other then kissing to make up the things hahaha I loved Rionna when she set her minds to seduce her own husband in order to hear that magic words.

I can’t get enough with these series and I’m still cannot believe that it’s already come to the end. *sobs*

Happy reading (^-<)

Seduction of a Highland Lass [McCabe Trilogy #2]

Seduction of a Highland Lass [McCabe Trilogy #2]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345519493
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2011
Halaman: 323
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

Firstly, the most daring cover among others. Phewitt! Actually I don't do series, and not back to back. But these series are my exception.

No doubt that the author does a great job in manipulating me. Well, at first I thought that it’s unfair for Alaric because he needs to marry Riona in effort to gain alliance against Duncan Cameron. But in the middle, the plot changed. There’s another girl for Alaric..waa..I just then couldn’t put this down.

Keeley McDonald. I’m quite attached to her. She was very outspoken and I found that she can turn to be funny in some scenes. I admired her loyalty not just to Alaric, but to the McCabe’s clan too. She was willing to sacrifice her love to ensure the alliance will takes place. Oh! Her past tragedy was so tragic. Pity on her. Arghh.. I really hate Laird McDonald. Why they didn’t set him dead?

I felt that Alaric was so romantic and I had no idea how sweet he could be. From the beginning, he kept calling Keeley as ‘my angel’ and ‘love’. Such a sweet talker. But don’t worry Ewan, I love you more hikhikhik

I’m glad seeing Ewan and Mairin in this story, not to forget Crispin and their first daughter; Isabel. They were perfect family. In addition, I loved seeing Christina and Cormac. Wow!  Hoping for Gannon’s story, perhaps?

Happy reading (^-<)

Selasa, 11 Jun 2013

Status Hati: Dia Milikku

Status Hati: Dia Milikku
Ayumi Syafiqah

ISBN: 9789670448299
Penerbit: Penerbitan Kaki Novel Sdn Bhd
Tarikh Terbit: Cetakan Pertama Mei 2013
Halaman: 323
Harga: RM21

~ Rasaku… ~

Aku rasa sinopsisnya terlalu details, mencakupi hampir keseluruhan cerita ini sebenarnya. Agak spoiled di situ sebab sudah hilang elemen surprised itu.

Tapi tak mengapa, aku cuba menulis seringkas yang mungkin, biar kamu-kamu yang membaca penasaran untuk tahu kesudahannya hikhikhik ;P Kali pertama baca karya penulis muda yang hampir sebaya adikku. Ya ampun, dik! Mana dapat idea nak tulis panjang-panjang ni?

Mencecah usia 26 tahun, Illysya Kirana [Kirana] ditekan ibunya akan soal rumah tangga. Walaupun dilabel sebagai pengacara popular yang sebaris dengan selebriti Malaysia, Kirana masih gagal mendapatkan seorang lelaki untuk didampingi. Mungkin kerana piawaian lelaki idamannya agak sukar dipenuhi, maka dia lebih senang menyendiri.

Kamariah; ibu Kirana bertindak mencari jodoh untuk anak sulungnya dan di sini dia bertemu teman lamanya; Dahlia. Kebetulan yang manis, si Dahlia ni pun sibuk mencari bakal menantu buat anak lelakinya; Edryzal. Tanpa memerlukan persetujuan daripada si anak, kedua-dua bonda tercinta ini dah merencanakan pelan masing-masing. Edryzal akan berkahwin dengan Kirana. Confirmed!

Saat pertama kali Kirana bertentang mata dengan Edryzal, hatinya tercuit. Si lelaki bermata ais itu sebenarnya amat menarik. Tetapi kedinginan Edryzal menguburkan perasaan indah Kirana. Namun apa yang lebih mengejutkan, Edryzal bersetuju pula untuk mengambil Kirana sebagai isteri. Eh!

Cerita ini cerita klise novel Melayu. Aku akui tetapi agak memorable plotnya. Melihat bagaimana gigihnya Kirana cuba menarik perhatian Edryzal mampu membuat aku tersengih. Pelbagai cara dan taktik memikat diatur untuk memenangi hati keras Edyrzal. Sedikit sebanyak buat aku teringat pada novel Kampung Girl yang punya resepi yang sama.

Walaubagaimanapun aku tetap tak berapa berkenan dengan cara Kirana yang boleh selamba gila memeluk lengan Edryzal. Dia digambarkan gadis ayu bertudung, makanya tolong jangan buat adegan yang mengelirukan. Berlapik atau tidak bukan persoalannya kerana yang haq dan batil itu sudah nyata dan jelas.

Apa pun, tahniah. Karyanya masih menghiburkan. Ada masam manisnya. Sesuai sekali untuk dijadikan sebagai bacaan santai. Ditambah dengan gaya bahasanya yang mudah dan susun atur plot yang kemas. Hampir sempurna buat seorang penulis muda. Moga terus menulis. Yay!

Happy reading (^-<)

In Bed with a Highlander [McCabe Trilogy #1]

In Bed with a Highlander [McCabe Trilogy #1]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345519485
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2011
Halaman: 287
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

This was my first time reading the Highlanders romance and I honestly heart this. Very. Much.

I couldn’t stop turning the page as the premise became more exciting and thrilling. This fast-paced really worked for me but I found that the ending was a bit rushed. How I wish to have an epilogue or something.. but naa... it’s ok. That’s why we have another series – Alaric’s story peeps~~

I absolutely adored all the characters but of course my priority was the eldest of McCabe brothers; the hot Ewan. Pheww! He was smart, commanding savior but over-protective sometimes hahaha I liked the way the author narrates the chemistry between Ewan and Mairin. It was good seeing them slowly built up their feelings towards each other. Not to rush, but just go with the flow.

Mairin on the other hand, was a lovely and adorable person. She was strong enough to stand up for her loved ones. I really admired the Mairin’s love and care towards Crispen. Not to forget, her love to Ewan’s brother; Alaric, Caelen and her clan. No doubt, she was the most ideal heroin for Ewan.

Such a great read and I really enjoyed every single thing in the story. Highly recommended for Highlanders fan!

Happy reading (^-<)

Khamis, 6 Jun 2013

Dah Jodoh

Dah Jodoh
Iman Nizrina

ISBN: 9789670448114
Penerbit: Penerbitan Kaki Novel Sdn Bhd
Tarikh Terbit: Cetakan Ketiga April 2013
Halaman: 434
Harga: RM18

~ Rasaku… ~

Lamanya tak menulis, rasanya sedikit blur. Lost. Bukan apa, sibuk dengan kerja yang tak akan pernah habis, sibuk dengan urusan personal yang tak tentu hala dan sibuk dengan game Candy Crush [?] hahaha..itu yang paling sibuk kan rina oi! ;P

Baik, ini novel yang cukup sesuai sebagai penghilang stress. Comel je kisahnya, tiada konflik berat. Walaupun pada mulanya pertemuan hero-heroin sedikit tragik. Nasira dan Nuqman bertemu buat kali pertama di rumah bakal tunang Nasira; Hasni. Masing-masing sedang memujuk hati selepas menangkap kekasih hati masing-masing yang berdua-duaan di rumah Hasni.

Kecurangan kedua-duanya memang mengecewakan. Tapi apa yang lebih malang bila Nasira dan Nuqman pula yang ditangkap basah. Eh! Dek kejadian itu, keluarga Nasira pula membuangnya. Lebih menyakitkan hati bila orang luar lebih dipercayai daripada darah daging sendiri. Hailoh...kasihan!

Nuqman cuba bertanggungjawab, membaiki keadaan. Perkahwinan antara mereka berdua diatur bagi menutup rasa malu keluarga Nasira namun itu semua tidak cukup untuk menebus kesalahan Nasira pada keluarganya. Kasihan sungguh. Mujur ada Nuqman dan keluarganya yang cukup memahami. Cukup terbuka menerima kehadiran menantu segera ke dalam keluarga mereka.

Episod seterusnya? Bermulalah perjalanan hubungan Nasira-Nuqman sebagai suami isteri. Suka dengan cara Nuqman yang memberi masa buat mereka berdua untuk menerima perkahwinan terkejut itu. Memang cool si Nuqman tu tapi ya ampun, cemburunya pun sangat dahsyat! Pantang nampak si Hasni, mula la nak meletup. Tapi aku suka pasangan ini. Nuqman yang terlalu melindungi dan Nasira yang lurus manja. Ada keserasian yang tak dibuat-buat.

Dan seperti novel sebelumnya, bila sampai je part pet-names tu aku rasa... Alahai! Bikin spoil sikit. Tapi ya, DJ masih cerita yang manis dan mereka yang suka cerita cinta selepas kahwin sebegini pasti akan melekat dengan yang ini.

Happy reading (^-<)