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Jumaat, 14 Jun 2013

Seduction of a Highland Lass [McCabe Trilogy #2]

Seduction of a Highland Lass [McCabe Trilogy #2]
Maya Banks

ISBN: 0345519493
Penerbit: Ballantine Books
Tarikh Terbit: 2011
Halaman: 323
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

Firstly, the most daring cover among others. Phewitt! Actually I don't do series, and not back to back. But these series are my exception.

No doubt that the author does a great job in manipulating me. Well, at first I thought that it’s unfair for Alaric because he needs to marry Riona in effort to gain alliance against Duncan Cameron. But in the middle, the plot changed. There’s another girl for Alaric..waa..I just then couldn’t put this down.

Keeley McDonald. I’m quite attached to her. She was very outspoken and I found that she can turn to be funny in some scenes. I admired her loyalty not just to Alaric, but to the McCabe’s clan too. She was willing to sacrifice her love to ensure the alliance will takes place. Oh! Her past tragedy was so tragic. Pity on her. Arghh.. I really hate Laird McDonald. Why they didn’t set him dead?

I felt that Alaric was so romantic and I had no idea how sweet he could be. From the beginning, he kept calling Keeley as ‘my angel’ and ‘love’. Such a sweet talker. But don’t worry Ewan, I love you more hikhikhik

I’m glad seeing Ewan and Mairin in this story, not to forget Crispin and their first daughter; Isabel. They were perfect family. In addition, I loved seeing Christina and Cormac. Wow!  Hoping for Gannon’s story, perhaps?

Happy reading (^-<)

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