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Rabu, 7 Mei 2014

The Book of Spells

The Book of Spells
Jennifer Probst

ISBN: 9781621250807
Penerbit: Gallery Books
Tarikh Terbit: June 2013
Halaman: 25
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~

28 pages only??? Alaaaaaaaa...

Full review: 06/05/2014

At first, I was really excited to read this. But then, I realised it’s not about Alexa & Nick, but Nick and his Old Yeller to be exact. Oo... *blank*

By the way, I’m still enjoyed the premise. Good ending and conflict free. And, I’m glad to see Alexa besides his husband all the time. Come hell or high water, the couple stand still. Together.

Oh! Not to forget, there’s an explanation of the love spell and how to do it. Like, seriously? Hahaha. Aduyaiiii...

Happy reading (^-<)

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