Aktviti Membaca!

Isnin, 21 April 2014


Alice Clayton

ISBN: 2940015785180
Penerbit: Omnific Publishing
Tarikh Terbit: November 2012
Halaman: 320
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~


Saw my little sis, Cik Soleh read this *wink*

Totally agreed with her, this book not suitable for below 18. Alaaa.. banyak je English Romance begitu. So, only read this book if you want to laugh and are not offended at adult themes and language. Bear in mind, this is not a YA book.

Full review: 18/04/2014

The book started really fine, a girl who excited about her new apartment, but get annoyed with her new neighbour. It’s really funny. Seriously, no doubt. I laughed at every time I came accrossed to Caroline’s internal monologue. Sooo hilarious. And, can I say that I REALLY love Clive [Caroline’s cat]? hahaha :P

But then, after the half of the book, it really went downhill with too many cliches! I suddenly lost the interest. Pheww... I just wish that hotty-sex-everything was a little toned down.

But yup, we can't have everything, right?

Happy reading (^-<)

2 ulasan:

  1. we could not have everything- touche

  2. iloveloaf ken,
    Yup sis. We can't, but we have Allah all the time :))


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