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Jumaat, 29 Mac 2013

The Marriage Bargain

The Marriage Bargain
Jennifer Probst

ISBN: 2940013903296
Penerbit: Entangled Publishing
Tarikh Terbit: 2012
Halaman: 160
Harga: -

~ Rasaku… ~


Sexy cover with sexy read... pheww! hahaha

I read this with little expectations.. and yes! There was no real surprise as the main characters will be exactly what you expect them to. A bit funny and cheesy especially when they’re start arguing with something.

Men never want to grow old. That’s why they keep seeking out younger womenNicholas Ryan

Ouchh! ;))

Ps: Definitely this is my shortest review ever [malas betul!] hikhikhik

Happy reading (^-<)

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