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Rabu, 4 November 2009

Life is an Open Secret


~ Rasaku… ~

Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Forgive yourself. Breathe. And enjoy the ride – Solbeam

I love that quote. But then I found this book. Muchas gracias Abang Tariq! Yes, it’s extraordinary stories. I should admit that I’m falling so hard with this book… hik3 lalala5

The 18 stories are simply adorable. It’s combination of inspirations, spirituals, and religious. It incredibility beautiful and amazing touch of art, advice, humor and stories - a real KNOWLEDGABLE! You may adapt it quickly as every single story was written with simple English. In fact, every story is what we are. This book comes whenever I’m lost. It gave me something that I really need – I need to change!

The secret as follows;

Secret 1: Love Your Mother
‘The Story of a Man and his Entrance Fees’
Secret 2: Decide Your Path Wisely
‘The Story of a Man and his Street’
Secret 3: Rise Early
‘The Story about the Housewife and a Package of Sugar’
Secret 4: Face Challenges with Zest
‘The Story of the Fishermen and the Sharks’
Secret 5: Aim and Strive
‘The Story of the 10-mile Trip’
Secret 6: Be Connected
‘The Story of the Farmer and his Orange Seeds’
Secret 7: Stay Steadfast
‘The Story of a Man and his Rope Competition’
Secret 8: Sharpen Your Communication Skills
‘The Story of a Phone Operator and the Caller’
Secret 9: Say the Word and Do the Action
‘The Story of the Archer and his Speech’
Secret 10: Choose Your Words with Care
‘The Story of a Kindergarten Teacher and her Experiment’
Secret 11: Manage your Time
‘The Story of the 1001-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle’
Secret 12: Be Ready for Opportunities in Life
‘The Story of a Blacksmith and his Young Student’
Secret 13: What Goes Around, Comes Around
‘The Story of a Boomerang’
Secret 14: Half Full or Half Empty?
‘The Story of Fred and Mabel’
Secret 15: Make Patience Your Policy
‘The Story of the Little Girl and her Eggs’
Secret 16: Be Persistent
‘The Story of a Man and his Wasteland’
Secret 17: Less of Me and More of We
‘The Story of a Typical Working Man’
Secret 18: Trust Your Lord
‘The Story about Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’
Bonus Secret: Find Your Passion
‘The Story of a Man with a Perfect Job’

I like them erm, nope… I truly madly fall in love with them. But of course the Secret 18 was really inspired me. A story about yesterday; I’m that naïve. A story about today; here I am… and a story about tomorrow; If I still alive…

Words can’t describe my feeling. Therefore I can’t write anything as I don’t have any comment except read this book and react - life is an open secret… yes! Think about it. Keep it in your mind. Keep it deep inside in your heart dear.

Caliph ‘Umar – I do not care in what state I wake up in the morning – whether it’s good or bad – since I do not know what is good for me and what is bad [page 157]

Ps: Lama tak menulis. Rasa-rasa mesti penuh dengan grammar mistakes lalalalalala…

Happy reading (^-<)

2 ulasan:

  1. Tuan rumah, ada lagi dua buku dalam siri ni. Tapi susah nak dapat. Pei Pan juga masih mencari dua buku tu. [ sangat skema :D ]

    No doubt, this book make me proud to be Muslim.

  2. Pei Pan:
    Haah, ada! cuba cari kat link Sis Zabrina tu - direct link to the publisher!

    Betul3... Alhamdulillah, we're Muslim ;D


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